this blog was originally written around valentines day... but i didn't finish it (for an obvious 8.1 lb reason named henley!). i didn't mind... i figured the following month i could finish it and post it for our anniversary. that didn't happen. so here it is... several months late.
let me let you in on a little secret about kjaer and i...
we were destined...
had you told me ten years ago today that i would marry the man standing in front of me... i would have probably fainted in ecstasy and laughed in your face all at once... and that would be AFTER picking my jaw up off of the floor.
because it was about ten years ago that i sat with my mother, totally frustrated by the male species and ready to swear off men and be alone for the rest of my days.
my life had been a series of unrequited infatuations with boys who paid no attention to me. i have always wondered why this was... i couldn't figure out why some girls had the boys lined up around the block and why i was always their "cute friend" who couldn't seem to snag a boy if she tried. i had recently experienced this with a couple of guys who had i really liked and who ignored the fact that i was even datable material.
i was really beginning to think that something was wrong with me.
you hear me?
i mean... how could i be so invisible to the male species?
so i was whining about this to my mom... who challenged me with what seemed like an absurd suggestion at the time. she said, "why don't you ask God to reveal your husband to you?"
i laughed... probably snorted a little.
and then i went home that night and prayed my guts out.
i think i even cried... it was an act of honest sincerity and desperation.
that night i dreamed about a handsome man with a beard and when he hugged me, my face went into the safety of his chest. in my dream i couldn't make out his features very well, just his beard. i woke up feeling a little unnerved, thinking that i had dreamed my spouse was going to be Jesus. and well... that made me feel a little... awkward and unholy.
not that i ever feel holy... i'm just sayin'...
when my mom asked me about it i said,
thanks a lot mom. now i just feel like a pervert because apparently i'm going to marry Jesus.
and, to make it worse, it was one of those dreams where i woke up in love. i seriously walked around for days feeling like i was in love with this person already, even though i didn't know who they were. some friends of mine suggested kjaer because he worked with me and he was the only person i knew with a beard. but honest to the G.O.D., i did not even make that connection.
several months later, kjaer asked me to go watch a meteor shower in the middle of the night and the rest is, as they say, history.
it wasn't until i was married for a few months already when my mom reminded me of that dream and i realized that God had been revealing kjaer to me.... not Jesus. and wouldn't you know... when he hugs me, my face goes right into his chest.
so... he's literally the man of my dreams... if you catch my drift.
so... he's literally the man of my dreams... if you catch my drift.
but he snuck up on me like a thief in the night because we were friends first...
i think i hooked him into being my friend when i came to school my first year of teaching with a BRAND NEW CAR. i didn't really have a ton of friends yet but i really wanted to show someone my NEW CAR. the hallways were inexplicably empty except for this handsome fellow i had talked a couple of times with. somehow this came up when he and i passed in the hallway and he, very enthusiastically said, "well, i'll go out and see your new car!" so we marched out to the parking lot at 7:30 in the morning for the big reveal. i was twittering with excitement. it was my NEW CAR and somebody (especially a handsome somebody) cared!
i can't even imagine what went through kjaer's head when we arrived at said NEW CAR. i'm not sure what he was expecting... but i doubt it was an old 2 door Toyota Tercel.... which by the way... was THE nicest car i had owned to date and i LOVED it! it had most of it's paint AND it's dashboard wasn't cracked... now that's high class! AND it had my faceplate stereo installed in it... so i was living the dream. he seemed really excited about it and i got the attention i was so desperately craving. but i'm sure he went back to his classroom, shut the door, and bent over clenching his gut in fits of laughter.
see... i had judged him all wrong. i thought because he had this sexy beard thing going on with longer hair and because he was a quiet, introverted artist... that he wouldn't judge me and my taste in cars because i assumed he wasn't interested in cars. what i didn't know, and what i've come to learn over the past 9 years... is that the man is a car freak. he knows so much about cars that i sometimes find myself pretending to know what he's talking about because he's so stinking smart about them i can't even follow his train of thought.
it's a little surprising he wanted to date me after that.
actually, it's a little surprising we got married after that!
anyways... at that point in kjaer's life, marriage was something he wanted no part of. kind of like my aversion to scary movies. he didn't want to think or talk about marriage or even acknowledge the possibility of it... just enjoy life.
so, it was a little stunning that he wanted to date me. because... to a woman, at least a woman like myself... dating, if all goes well, leads to marriage. and even though i told myself i wasn't going to concern myself with stuff like that and just enjoy our relationship... after a couple of years my brain was beginning to wonder if he was the one.
and we dated for awhile... quite awhile.
we have been married 4 years now... so you do the math.
sometimes this got frustrating, especially because we both didn't know where we were headed as kjaer wrestled with letting go of his aversion to marriage because he loved me so much. but now i see that those years of dating have really solidified this thang we've got going on. some of the brick walls that so many of our friends encountered after getting married had already been tackled by us before we were married because we learned to communicate through them.
and i'm not saying this makes our marriage better than anyone else's...
i just am seeing the greater purpose to it now as we enter this phase of life with babies...
because... you guys... i've never done anything so challenging as being a mama and a wife at the same time, in my life.
if i could just be a wife... i could nail it.
if i could just be a mama... i could na--... well, that's a lie. i need kjaer to be successful in that too. i have no idea how you single mama's do it, but you deserve mad props!
to be both requires something more in me that makes me reach waaaaaayyyy down to the soles of my feet and give everything.... so much that sometimes i feel like i have nothing left for anyone, including myself.
and i'm sure kjaer would say the same about being my husband and a daddy at the same time too. this newest challenge of having a family often overshadows some of the necessary time it takes to cultivate your relationship.
but back in january i had a moment.
we were watching the bronco game on the couch and i looked at him. and in that split second, i really saw him again.
we were watching the bronco game on the couch and i looked at him. and in that split second, i really saw him again.
do you know what i mean?
i saw his strong jawline and his gorgeous eyes that made me so weak kneed nine years ago and i felt this explosion of love come surging out of me. i lovingly grabbed his hand out of nowhere and said something really mushy to him... though i can't remember what it was now. (he sort of looked at me like i had gone off of the deep end). i couldn't believe that 9 years later i was sitting next to him, our two year old running around at our feet and me 9 months pregnant with our second child, happily married. it was almost like it all was a dream...
or... like the matrix... my husband would excitedly exclaim.
because i, for reals, have myself a good man. i have someone who loves me... and i mean REALLY loves me. he's seen my giant, pregnant body naked and he STILL loves me (even i had a hard time loving that). he's sat with me while i've sobbed uncontrollably about the smallest, most insignificant details and he STILL loves me. he's followed me quietly into the deepest, darkest pits of myself and he STILL loves me. he has been my rock during the most trying times of my life and he STILL loves me. he has tenderly picked up the pieces of my broken heart after the death of my father when i thought i couldn't....
i repeat
go on anymore and he STILL loves me. he let his bachelor pad get slowly taken over by the dreaded woman's touch... and do i even need to say it?
i repeat
go on anymore and he STILL loves me. he let his bachelor pad get slowly taken over by the dreaded woman's touch... and do i even need to say it?
yup! that man l.o.v.e.s. me.
sometimes it takes a little friction for me to remember this.
like a couple of months ago, i came downstairs totally burnt out from being mega-pregnant and mother to an almost 2 year old whose two hour bedtime routine was wearing on me. i was feeling so wretched... isolated, alone, tired, jealous. and i spewed forth the tears and the qualms... sometimes aiming my little darts at kjaer. looking back, i suppose i was mostly just an exhausted person complaining and needing to be heard. and i truly think that kjaer is the only man that God placed on this green earth to cope with this sort of behavior. not that there's anything wrong with the feelings i was having... just how i was reacting.
sometimes i feel like i am like a bumpy texture on a wall
and kjaer is the special tool that smooths me out.
and kjaer is the special tool that smooths me out.
do you feel me?
he diffuses. he loves. he listens.
and then he goes to bed because doing all of that makes him really, really tired.
and i'm left thinking, damn i'm so blessed.
so blessed that he cares enough to do the hard work of being married, to get his hands dirty, and be my partner in crime for life. so blessed that he walked out to that tercel with me one day back in 2003 and didn't humiliate me. so blessed that he overcame his fears and took the plunge with me one perfect day in march of 2010. so blessed to help him raise our children so that they can grow up to have his integrity, loyalty and passion. so blessed that he holds me in the safe harbor of his arms and loves me and our children so intensely that he sacrifices bits of himself every day to make our lives better.
that, my friends, is the man i love.
that is the man of my dreams.

that, my friends, is the man i love.
that is the man of my dreams.